Feel the sun
Feel the sun
Infrared heating of the future
– Infrared Sun wall regulator and mobile application. Heating of the future.
Infrared heating is a natural,healthy heat.
Infrared rays are part of nature. The Sun emits Infrared-rays similar to a fireplace. With Ekosen infrared panels you can warm up with just one click on your mobile application.
Only with the EKOSEN system and heating regulation, we significantly increase the comfort of heating with infrared panels and at the same time reduce consumption by up to 25% compared to classic infrared panels and thermostats. Only the best for your comfort of stay.
Warmest home for half the money. How? With Ekosen infrared panels!
Warmest home for half the money. How? With Ekosen infrared panels!
Interested in the benefits of economical and environmentally friendly heating with Sunlife infrared panels?
Interested in an accurate comparison of heating systems and how you can save? Ekosen infrared panels ensure a comfortable stay and great savings on heating!
We have also developed higher power infrared panels - PRO and TERRACE. Suitable for larger rooms, industrial halls, gyms, halls ...
The IR Sun heating regulator transforms your Ekosen infrared heating system into the most precise, responsive and comfortable heating mode.
Interested in the benefits of economical and environmentally friendly heating with Sunlife infrared panels?
We reveal all this and more in the extensive Ekosen e-catalog. First-hand information, directly from the infrared panel expert.
Ekosen IR heating panels – choose your model
IR Sun regulator and IR SUN mobile app
IR Sun regulator and IR SUN mobile app
Save energy for maximum comfort.
The IR Sun WiFi regulator transforms your infrared heating system into the most precise, responsive and comfortable way of heating. Helps optimize usage and save energy. The IR Sun WiFi heating regulator sets new standards for Infrared-heating.
Save up to - 25% with optimal heat control provided by the IR Sun WiFi regulator.
Save up to - 25% with optimal heat control provided by the IR Sun WiFi regulator.
Heating of the future.
Feel the Sun
Experiences from 10,000+ homes and offices
EKOSEN infrared panels heat more than 10.000 homes and offices. By clicking on one of the buttons below, you can view the testimonials of our satisfied customers.
Troškovi nakon ugradnje Ekosen IC-panela 3 puta su niži nego za toplinsku pumpu. Godišnja potrošnja je do 280 €.
Marcos Tavares
Marcos Tavares
Vrijeme je sportašima jako bitna stavka. Uz IC-panele samo upišem željenu temperaturu i moja je kuća topla.
Tina Prah
Trošak potrošnje električne energije smanjen mi je za barem 40% zahvaljujući Ekosen IC-panelima.
Thermo Sun energy saving paint
THERMOSUN paint is developed based on an innovation by NASA. This color allows you to further reduce heating costs.
Thermo Sun energy saving paint
THERMOSUN paint is developed based on an innovation by NASA. This color allows you to further reduce heating costs.
Infrared panels – how much and what kind of power do you need?
We are happy to advise you free of charge. Book your appointment, without any obligations.
Infrared panels – how much and what kind of power do you need?
Company EKOSEN,
own development of
infrared panels
Aestetic. Modern. Easy to install and use.
Ekosen infrared panels can blend seamlessly with the background.
or become a modern decoration or even furniture.
What will your home look like with an Ekosen infrared panel?
The basic color of Ekosen infrared panels is white. However, a label with any motif can be printed on each individual infrared panel.
Swipe from left to right and back to see how the infrared panel looks in a home with or without a print.
Heat pump or infrared panels?
Based on real-life examples, we have prepared a special report on until now carefully hidden facts.
Heat pump or infrared panels?
Based on real-life examples, we have prepared a special report on until now carefully hidden facts.
It is true that the heat pump is an older heating system and therefore more popularly recognized. But few people know that a newer infrared heating system is just as effective for a much lower investment.
See the HEAT PUMP / INFRARED PANEL comparison below. GREEN indicates an investment in INFRARED PANELS, and RED indicates an investment in a HEAT PUMP.
Heating of the future.
Feel the Sun
15-year warranty
The lifespan of Ekosen infrared panels is very long. To 40 years or even more. The reason is simple: the system has no moving parts. At the same time, infrared panels do not need any service. That is why we can provide you with the longest warranty in Europe. As many as 15 years.
AAA+ credit rating
Ekosen is the leader in the field of infrared heating. Our business performance is also confirmed by receiving AAA + credit rating. So you can rest assured that we will carry out the order and that we are also the guarantor for the implementation of the 15-year warranty on Ekosen infrared panels.